Friday, 28 February 2014

Searching for contentment.

There is nothing on this earth that can fully satisfy both you and I. Tried and tested.

One of my favorite things is ordering some new clothes and waiting for them to arrive, I convince myself that when they do arrive, life will be sorted, and everything will be okay because I will love my new clothes and everyone else will love me in them. Maybe you are like me, or maybe you just think I am crazy, I don't blame you, but I can only imagine that you have something you feel similarly about.

Jesus's teachings's warn against this attitude (e.g. Luke 12:13), and he so carefully shows us that earthly things aren't lasting, that having nice clothes is not going to make my life safe on judgement day. (When I think of it like that it seems ridiculous).

If Jesus really did rise from the dead, then life has eternal significance. If life has eternal significance, then my priorities should change. Instead of serving myself (which, don't get me wrong, I sadly am still very good at), I long and aim to serve God, my creator. Suddenly what I thought were big problems, like how I look, or what I wear, are insignificant, as my life is now found in Christ, and that is where, and I can wholeheartedly and joyfully say this, I have found ultimate and true contentment, or rather, He found me.

If you are reading this blog, and you don't know Jesus, then please, can I encourage you to investigate the claims of the bible and Jesus's word. Please don't hesitate contact me, and I can take you to church or open up the bible with you, there would be no greater joy.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Friends from Heaven.

God is a relational God. He doesn't just ask us to have a relationship with Him, he calls us to love one another too. Every day, I thank God for all the wonderful people He has placed in my life, not merely because they provide endless joy, encouragement and fun, but because they point me back to Him, showing me His love, and remind me of His glorious character. 

I am a great big sinner. Like me, each of us falls short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). And it is the imperfections in my relationships on this earth and all the mistakes that I make, that spur me on to look to the greatest friendship of all - in Christ. 

Praise Him for all that He is, and all He has done.