Sunday, 21 September 2014

talking upwards.

It is incredibly telling when we sit ourselves down and take a minute to think about who would be the person or people we turn to in times of need and trouble. Maybe you have an incredibly close friend you feel you can tell anything, or perhaps it is a spouse or partner. Others may feel they don't have anyone they can come to. 

So what stops me from immediately talking to my heavenly father? Is it my selfishness and pride? Is it that I feel He cannot understand me in the same way that my best friends can? Am I ashamed? Is it that I can't string together a good enough sounding prayer?

All my excuses for not praying are hopeless, and quite frankly it is cutting how much I choose to rely on the world, and how little I choose to rely on God. 

The more I am stirred up to wonder at the fact that I can know God as my Father, the more I am humbled to know that I have no excuse whatsoever to not come to Him in prayer. Over the next couple of weeks I am hoping that I can exercise my faith in prayer, learning to rely more on my Heavenly Father, looking to him in all that I do. For what a privilege it is that we can come to our creator?! 

Maybe you struggle like me to fit prayer into your daily life, well may I encourage you to turn to Him who knows all things, has given us His good word, to be nourished by His word and turn to Him in thankfulness and  petition. 

And as always, if you are wondering what on earth I am on about, please feel free to get in contact with me. 
Psalm 145:18